Alkhadim – Computerization of logistics management


Computerization of Logistics Management

The application dedicated to logistics management includes two distinct modules:

Module dedicated to the car park

– Monitoring the mechanical condition of machines and vehicles, with keeping individual files for each vehicle, and issuing alerts for the dates of interventions on each vehicle: repairs, oil changes, etc.

– Monitoring fuel consumption, and linking it to vehicle mileage;

– Monitoring of the movement of vehicles through the missions: Mileage, destinations, purpose of the mission, drivers, etc.

– Geolocation of the brigade’s machines on a map to measure achievements.

Module dedicated to store management

– Automatic monitoring and maintenance of the supply and consumption of supplies;

– Monitoring and maintaining the equipment inventory;

– Real-time status of the movement of supplies and equipment and the status of stock;

– Electronic request for supplies (Figure opposite): Integrate alerts on stock status: under-stocking thresholds, Security threshold.


Diagram for monitoring supplies of supplies and equipment
