Launch of Morocco Tech

Launch of Morocco Tech

With Minister Ghita Mezzour, proud to present our solutions
#moroccotech #software #rfid #c2m #alkhadim

Morocco Tech will be launched on Friday January 14. This is a brand and commitment to strengthen the Kingdom’s position as a regional digital hub. The launch of this brand will be carried out by the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Dr Ghita Mezzour in the presence of members of the government and the Federation of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and offshoring (APEBI).

Launch of Morocco Tech

This first will mobilize national and international personalities, from the digital world, the economic, academic and institutional sphere. Discussions will take place on the mode of governance of the brand, multiple financing opportunities, and the talent pool available to the Kingdom. Emphasis will also be placed on the contribution that the diaspora could have in the digital influence of the Kingdom.

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